Charlene Farrell Photography
Professional Family Photography in Your Own Home.
Seniors Portraits

Seniors Portraits
In addition to family photography, I also offer a Senior Portraits Service. We all have memories of our grandparents homes, the sideboards filled with trinkets and memorabilia we were never allowed to touch as children. My strongest memory of my grandmother is her standing, usually in the kitchen preparing food or standing over us as we ate it! Her cupboards hid the stock pile of bulk buying along with a tin of stale Tuc biscuits to go with the warm Fanta we were offered on every visit. I wish I had documented those details, captured a different chapter in time that ended when they passed on.
I love to capture my own parents now, my mother texting on her iphone, browsing her ipad or facetiming her grandchildren, She is an amazing 75 year old, refusing to be left behind by technology. She is also passionate about her friendships, some as long as 70 years and to capture her giggling with her friends is a wonderful thing.