Charlene Farrell Photography
Professional Family Photography in Your Own Home.
Child Photography
Photography in the Home -what to expect
Child Photography
As a family photographer, I am there to capture people and moments, not feature furniture, so please don't think unless you have recently had your home decorated you should avoid a Home Photography session! As you can see from the pictures on my website there is very little of the houses on view. The babies, children, moms and dads are the stars of the show, not an armchair they might be jumping on!
I usually invite the children to show me their bedrooms as we can get some lovely pictures of them with their favourite bears and books. Also bedrooms usually have the best light so the master bedroom can also be a good space to take some pictures. All I ask is that side lockers are cleared off as much as possible and any spare clothes hidden in wardrobes.
Once a room has a window with the blinds up/ curtains open we are good to go! Beyond that if I spot a space that may need a picture moved off the wall or a rug rolled back I will just ask. I want you to have unique images that capture your little ones as you see them everyday. I want to make professional photography, affordable photography. Please get in touch if you have any queries